AS WE AT ASM prepare for our first live event of the year (bought to you through the mind of Eva, our Chair, and Rhee, our Live Events Manager, cheers!) I’m sat on my sofa getting quite nervous. It’s been a little over a month since I dived right into the committee of the Student Media and took on Online Editor in the wake of Andrew Simpson (who’s jet setting it around the globe as I type) finishing his degree and entering the world of work, and so far you’re still reading all the news and stories we can bring you.
This is a really rewarding, and really demanding, role. Seeing our 24-strong committee come together every day to make all of this for you is satisfying, but the maintenance is constant. We’ve got people contacting us every day to join us in some division; whether they want go get on the radio, step in front of the camera or be published in the paper. I’m now in my fourth year, and seeing everyone working together among the like-minded is just great.
And while I don’t regret taking on these responsibilities, I am fueled in equal measure by a desire to see all our branches achieve everything they can, and by sheer nerves. As Sports Editor as well I’m trying to get the the clubs of the university in the spotlight (feel free to email if you’ve got something cool coming up you want reported on – the more we hear from you guys the better!) and it can be difficult trying to balance both of these roles, but I’m still here so it can’t be too bad.
Less about me in my notes, more about this weekend. We’ve got stacks of bands for everyone attending this evening, a Stock Exchange at the bar (literally my favourite Union night ever (can you see my love of parentheses?)) and I get to meet them all first as well. Finally, my year-long dream of meeting Bert & Henry of The Adventures of Bert & Henry will be realised, though I’m still undecided of which body part I’d like them to sign. The face seems a bit much, but the chest might go unnoticed; it’s like Sophie’s Choice.
That’s enough from me, get yourself to the Union and have a good time! Keep an eye out for me, I’ll be the one on-stage without any musical talent. Does whistling count? I can’t even whistle well.